Video: Dr Hammond & Jan: How Jews created Black Communism in Africa
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White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Viva La Raza Blanca
This stickers says Long Live The White Race in Spanish. Of course, most illegal aliens are illiterate, but the ones that can read will get the point.
White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Viva La Raza Blanca
This stickers says Long Live The White Race in Spanish. Of course, most illegal aliens are illiterate, but the ones that can read will get the point.
Dr Hammond and Jan discuss communism in southern Africa and the role played by the Jews in influencing blacks to become communists. We discuss various events in Rhodesia and South Africa that relate to this. We discuss Robert Mugabe and much more.
Dr Hammond also met the late Jonas Savimbi of Unita who was a communist and later was viewed as the good guy and was supported by Reagan’s America. What Savimbi had to say about the USA as a friend or enemy is shocking.
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V04: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africa‘s Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.
V04: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africa‘s Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.