Coming soon! – My AfricanCrisis Archive
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Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
I’ve been working like a fiend on getting my AfricanCrisis Archive online. I have finally cracked all the technical problems that I needed to solve in order to do this. So now I can dive into putting it all together. I had been wracking my brains with the various bits of tedious work that needed to be done.
I want to see if I can get it online in 2 weeks or less.
It won’t be pretty … but it will be huge!
It’s the beginning of many serious changes that are coming to my websites.
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Video & Audio: God of War: How Napoleon totally changed Warfare
In this video I discuss one of Napoleons great achievements. Napoleon changed warfare totally.
Video & Audio: God of War: How Napoleon totally changed Warfare
In this video I discuss one of Napoleons great achievements. Napoleon changed warfare totally.