Black Racism & Discrimination against Whites: HOW DEI & BEE & RACE QUOTAS REALLY WORK IN SOUTH AFRICA


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This is interesting. I don’t know who this show is they know some of the rules. It’s not quite correct. They’ve gone a little over the top. BEE = Black Economic Empowerment – This is basically just a hogwash term to enable Blacks to OWN A CHUNK OF WHITE BUSINESS. It is not DEI. It is not Diversity Equity Inclusion or whatever. DEI in South Africa is RACIAL QUOTAS PER COMPANY. These are two separate things. So DEI = Race Quotas and Whites are only allowed in a company according to race percentage. e.g 8% of the staff may be white. But it is only applied in BIGGER companies. So if a company is SMALL ENOUGH then you can function without needing to worry about quotas. I think you need 50+ people before Race Quotas kick in. And yes, there are lots of whites who could do jobs much better than the Blacks who are unemployed. TRUE. That is racial quotas. However, BEE is different. This is where the Government issues contracts and a WHITE COMPANY cannot get the contract if it is not BEE compliant. This is about OWNERSHIP. So suppose you have a company worth say $1 million and you want to tender for a government contract, you can’t get it if you aren’t PARTLY BLACK OWNED. So now you need a BLACK PARTNER and you have to give a CHUNK OF YOUR COMPANY TO A BLACK PARTNER. I can’t remember the percentage. But you will need a Black partner in order to get the contract. HOWEVER, i have a friend who has a company who did tender for a government contract and in the end, she did BEE for a while, but then decided to scrap it. She reckoned the money she was making out of the Government contract was NOT WORTH THE HASSLE. So there are some whites who just don’t bother dealing with the Government. IN THE END, EVERYTHING WORKS OUT RACIALLY. Despite all these rules, I think Blacks are losing and Whites, through superior skills, are managing to survive more and more. The Afrikaners must not be underestimated. While many Whites lose, you get some who remain in the game and they’re doing better. BLACKS AS A WHOLE are also losing. It’s a very complex game, but DO NOT THINK WHITES, ESPECIALLY AFRIKANERS, ARE OUT OF THE GAME. NOT BY A LONG SHOT. Afrikaners are still serious players and maybe gaining more and more ground in some places. To really assess this, we need to look at actual statistics. Whites are still major power players. There’s a video I’m working on where I show you a little bit about the RICH OF SOUTH AFRICA. There are a lot of RICH WHITES in South Africa. I’m not talking RICH JEWS – I’m talking RICH WHITES. Maybe some of them are Freemasons. But these are rich White people. There is a LOT OF MONEY in the hands of White South Africans. The notion that everyone lives in a squatter camp is not true. The big problem in SA, like in all Western countries is that we also have WHITE CLASS WARFARE – like in America – where JEWRY is embedded in the RICH and they focus the rich against the common Whites. So the WHITE RICH DO NOT SUPPORT THE WHITE RIGHT. AND DO NOT SUPPORT NORMAL WHITES. That is another battle that needs to be fought. If the White Upper Classes and the White Middle Class can come together as a power structure, we’ll be home free – EASILY – not just in South Africa but in the West.

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