An American wrote to me: No Rhodesians want to return to the failed state of Zimbabwe


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Video: S.Africa: SECESSION: The ONLY HOPE for Whites: My discussion with a Lawyer
Secession, secession, secession! This is the JET AIRCRAFT to Freedom for Whites in South Africa. Nothing else has the potential of this concept. Youll understand why I think this is the most awesome thing that anyone in South Africa can do. In this video youll hear a detailed discussion with my attorney who did a lot of legal work on secession along with other attorneys.

An American wrote this to me: Exactly ZERO Rhodesians I know personally have any intentions of ever going back to "zimbabwe". Let the useless niggers starve to death. No one gives a shit anymore. #TND

@Weiss_Drache Hello, Your comments are totally brilliant and ditto for the Rhodesians I know. Nobody is interested in the shithole known as Zimbabwe. I’ve had BLACKS say to me, come to Zimbabwe, you and me, let’s start a farm in Zimbabwe. I would NEVER take any offer like that up. That’s pure insanity. I only went back to Zimbabwe ONCE, and that was in 1986. I went there for 2 weeks. In one week I went to the Whites my parents had known. I spoke to them. I heard how Blacks were shooting some Whites DEAD, how Blacks were killing their animals and trying to drive them off the farms. After being there a few days, I cut my visit short. I left after 1 week in Zimbabwe, and *I VOWED TO NEVER SET FOOT IN THAT COUNTRY AGAIN*. Rhodesia was dead and gone. Prior to that I had been homesick for Rhodesia many times. That ONE WEEK IN ZIMBABWE TURNED ME INTO A SOUTH AFRICAN. AFTER THAT SOUTH AFRICA WAS MY HOME AND I NEVER LONGED TO RETURN TO THAT TOTAL SHITHOLE. I knew Rhodesia was gone and I NEVER RETURNED TO THAT CRAP HOLE. And like the other Rhodesians, I don’t care what happens there. I’m not interested in helping them or saving them. They TURNED ON US, WANTED TO KILL US AND STEAL FROM US AND DRIVE US OUT. I don’t care what happens to them. They deserve what they are getting. I look at the non-Whites of South Africa in a similar vein. I see what they did and are doing to the Whites – and the Whites of SA helped them far more than they ever deserve. The Blacks of SA like the Blacks of the USA are very spoiled and they got a lot more than they deserve.

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Video: Orania: The Afrikaner city on its way to freedom! (English subtitles)
These are good people. I was there in 2010. They‘re expanding and looking for more people to go there. Jan

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