A Book All Whites should read, ESPECIALLY YOUNG WHITES: Rich Dad, Poor Dad


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Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.

[This is what I wrote to a young White guy who is a loyal supporter. Jan]

I wrote:
A book I strongly advise you to read is: Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It’s a simple book, but I wish I’d read it when I was your age. READ IT. Read it properly. It has an endlessly repetitive message. If you use your money that way, you can do very well in life regardless of what you face.

It’s the best book written by a non-White and the only one I recommend. If all young Whites read that book, they would do well in life. It’s about how you spend your money. There’s a wonderful, simply lesson in there.


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2005: S.Africa: Black Teenage Mum: I drowned my HIV+ baby in a toilet
A young Matatiele mother admitted in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday to killing her nine-month-old baby because she was HIV positive.

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