2004: S.Africa: Mbeki better than Mandela – unemployment 30%-40%
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Date & Time Posted: 4/13/2004 7:13:56 AM
[Note the interesting statistic in this British publication of how high our unemployment really is. I suspect it is even higher than the 40% – maybe 45-48%. Jan]London – President Thabo Mbeki is probably a better manager than his predecessor, former president Nelson Mandela, despite “some glaring errors of judgment”.
But Mbeki’s heritage as president will eventually depend on his ability to create employment, the influential British business paper The Financial Times reported on Monday.
On the eve of South Africa’s general elections, the paper believed Mbeki might be able to move out of Mandela’s long shadow during a second term of office. Mandela, according to the paper, made his mark in history by convincing his countrymen to cease the armed struggle and to strive for reconciliation.
The paper said Mbeki has kept the South African economy on an even keel since 1999. He also kept his promise to provide poor black supporters with electricity, water, housing and other basic services.
But Mbeki’s had a poor image outside South Africa, partly as a result of his government’s inept handling of the media.
According to the paper, the foreign media highlighted Mbeki’s “professorial hair-splitting” over HIV/Aids. Although his government eventually announced a comprehensive plan, his leadership in this regard was still being questioned.
The paper said although Mbeki had proven himself as the most ambitious African statesman and despite his successful peace attempts in several countries on the continent, not only his own credibility, but also that of his country and Nepad was in doubt because of his handling of the Zimbabwean issue.
Although foreign affairs might be Mbeki’s first love, the paper believed domestic issues would probably consume most of his time during a second term.
The paper said the South African government was unable to create employment despite healthy macro-economic management. Unemployment of between 30% and 40% posed a risk for the political stability the country had worked so hard to achieve.
The paper said while the country’s business leaders were pressurising government to lift labour restrictions and privatise ineffective services monopolies, the ANC’s leftist supporters believed an extended fiscal policy would help create employment.
This issue contained all the ingredients for an epic policy struggle, the outcome of which will to a great extent determine Mbeki’s heritage, the paper said.
Edited by Tisha Steyn
Source: NEWS24.COM
URL: http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/Ele…
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