WHEN BAD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS: Charts: SA outperforms on female directors, with work to do – My Comments

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Video & Audio: After Black Revolution, Comes WHITE REVOLUTION!
In this video I discuss Black Revolution. We look at Black Revolution in America and Africa and the role of the Jews as well as that brave American hero, George Lincoln Rockwell, who gave his life trying to save White Americans and trying to save Whites everywhere.Rockwell once made a prediction that After Black Revolution there will be a WHITE REVOLUTION.

[I do enjoy it when Liberals, Communists and assorted garbage crow about their wonderful "achievements". Most of what they do actually flies in the face of Western historical experience. We Whites have almost exclusively always had a MALE DOMINATED SOCIETY. Now WHY this has come about is very likely due to war and the intense competition between Whites over many tens of thousands of years. Forget all the Jewish and fake progressive crap that you read about White society. Our society is based on reality and very long experience. So I smile when I see nonsense like this. This is pie in the sky junk that has no meaning in an intensely competitive world. This is just a bunch of Jewish or Communism junk thinking. Leave this nonsense to continue. The good news is that this is BAD NEWS and BAD NEWS is GREAT for us! To quote Napoleon: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is busy making a mistake." Jan]

Women hold 29% of the board seats in the top 100 listed companies in the country.

South Africa’s push for female empowerment has led to an outperformance against emerging-market peers when measured by gender diversity in listed company boards, along with a realisation that much more needs to be done to pursue equality.

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange is the only exchange from a developing country to beat the Group of 20 average for female representation among directors of companies traded on the bourse, according to figures from Sustainable Stock Exchanges.

Women hold 29% of the board seats in the top 100 listed companies in South Africa. That compares with an average of 20% on major G20 exchanges and figures of 12% in Japan, 10% for the Shanghai bourse and 7.4% in South Korea. South African women chair 11% of the companies, beating the G20 average of 5.5%.

The relative success is helped by charters in South African industries ranging from mining to finance, that have set targets for gender representation, said Shameela Soobramoney, chief sustainability officer at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

“Those targets start to inspire action, because you are given something that you must report against,” Soobramoney said during an online panel discussion this week at the launch of Bloomberg New Voices. The program is a global initiative to increase the visibility of women and other under-represented executives in finance across media platforms.

While South Africa’s ranking is an achievement, it’s not enough, according to Soobramoney. The exchange is seeking to drive greater transparency around the issue through mandatory gender reporting, she said. “Once you need to disclose in the public domain, that in itself is an incentive to try and push those numbers.”

Source: https://www.moneyweb.co.za/news/south-africa/sa-outperforms-on-female-directors-with-work-to-do/

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Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.

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