Official total of White Farmers murdered by Blacks in South Africa & White murders…
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Recently I saw a post doing the rounds in the right wing of the total number of whites murdered in South Africa under black rule.
In an “Alt-Right” defense group the totals were given as:-
3,700 white farmers murdered since 1994 and the total of white civilians murdered under black rule as 93,000.
I had a friend check to find the “official totals” as given by white organisations who have investigated the matter.
TLU = TAU = Transvaal Agricultural Union.
Afriforum is an important Afrikaans organisation.
TAU and Afriforum give the total killed as: 1,839 white farmers since 1994.
The 93,000 is the total number of whites murdered under black rule. This number is enormous, and I know the basis on which whites have estimated this number. Unfortunately no thorough, “forensic” study on this number has ever been done. Even if this number is an over-estimate, it is still huge.
The total number of Blacks killed under 46 years of Apartheid is acknowledged internationally even by Liberal institutions as 21,000. But I have done my own studies of that number and much of that number is actually hogwash assembled by weird (((Liberal))) sources. In reality, at least half, if not more than half of the 21,000 who died under Apartheid were BLACKS KILLED BY BLACK COMMUNISTS like the ANC ruling party.
Even if we were to take, at face value, the highly exaggerated 21,000 from Apartheid, and we were to halve the numbers given by others who have estimated the white deaths from murder, you would see that more whites have died under a shorter period of black rule, than the blacks who died under 46 years of Apartheid.
The blacks under Apartheid were armed by the Russians and others and they had weapons and they planted bombs and were involved in an actual insurgency/terrorism and WAR – THAT IS WHY THE APARTHEID FORCES KILLED THEM.
I hope one day that people can dig into the 93,000 estimate and try to get to the bottom of it. Even if it was sliced down by 2/3rds, the much smaller white population would have suffered far more than the big black population that everyone is always whining about.
Video: S.Africa: When Blacks killed Whites in Church St James Church massacre
Here is some history they try to keep away from white people in America and Europe. They will never tell you about the day blacks came with AK47s and threw hand-grenades among whites in a packed church in South Africa.