White Survival … AT ANY COSTS … We must WIN, by Fair means or Foul … No Holds Barred


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Video: The Two Emperors of the White Race
Napoleon & Hitler: Why did they succeed? I analyse & give the background to the ONLY 2 white men who united most of Europe & ruled most whites in the last 200 years.

On the social media the other day someone wrote: Preserve our race at all costs.

I responded:
Preserve our race: “At all costs”. Now you’re talking brother. I feel the same way. By fair means or by foul … by any method … peaceful or violent … we must not allow ANYTHING to stand in the way of our future survival as a race. As for the corpses of our enemies … they must be piled high … anyone who stands in the way of our survival … must be torn down. Jews first…


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Video & Audio: Gods of War: How Ancient White Armies were superior to modern Armies
In this video I take a close look at excellence and ability, and what Europeans were capable of in the distant past. We go back as far as 3,300 years ago and take a look at the amazing feats that were pulled off by Ancient Whites.

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