Video: SA WAR: Black attacks: Whites houses burned down – also: Angus Buchan, Malema, DA & FW


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Backup Video:

This is a quick follow-up to the video: SA WAR: Massed Black attacks on Whites in 2 small towns? I mention a discussion I had with PW Botha about the Freedom Front. I touch on a number of very important topics: It seems the white Liberals, the super-rich elite & Jews have aligned themselves with certain black Christians and now with Angus Buchan. This really ties back to the 7th April Revolution video I did. It seems to me FW De Klerk & Afrikaner traitors are all part of this big push which the DA & international elite are involved in to unseat Zuma and the ANC. I also have information about the DA that I want to release shortly for whites and I also received some extremely important information about Julius Malema that whites also need to see. Updates are coming.

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Video: Can 50 million Blacks kill 4 million Whites in 2 weeks?
I did an insane amount of Military Academic work in order to answer this question. In here, youll see something totally unique. I explain why I think several Blacks did research into this and what was their inspiration for coming to this conclusion, as well as the horrific ideas they have in store for us. I also demonstrate, what an all out race war would be like if it raged across South Africa. The answers may surprise you.

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