Very Important: NEW book about the Economics and Politics of a future Afrikaner Ethnostate


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Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.

This is a very important brand new book written in Afrikaans. For the English-speaking non-South Africans, I’ll make a plan to get you info about this book and what exactly is in it. It is academic and well researched stuff.

Go to this link. It is in Afrikaans. But at the top of the page you can click it to read it in English:

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Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.

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