SA: FANTASTIC FIGHT BACK by White Farmer attacked by 3 Blacks and tied up…


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[A Bakkie is a pick up truck. This is a very cool survival story. Jan]

Farm attack, severely assaulted and kidnapped farmer fights back, saves himself, Leandra

Oorgrens veiligheid

January 14, 2023

A farm attack took place on the morning of 14 January 2023, on a farm in the Leandra police district, in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa.

An elderly farmer had gone out to feed his chickens when he was overpowered and severely assaulted by three attackers.

The attackers then tied him up and loaded him into the back of his bakkie inside the canopy and sped off in the direction of Kinross.

The farmer managed to untie himself and started kicking open the door of the canopy causing the attackers to stop.

The farmer had in the meantime also armed himself with a steel pipe.

When the attackers opened the door the farmer defended himself and laid into the three causing them to run off. One of the attackers is reported to have been seriously injured during the fight.

The farmer then drove his bakkie off in search of help.

He was very seriously injured during the assault and was taken to hospital.

Police are investigating the attack but there have been no arrests.

There is no other information available at this stage.


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