Russia: Putin’s Oligarchs are backing South Africa’s FAILING Black ANC Ruling Party…
Jan‘s Science Channel on Telegram
This is my channel on Telegram where I post science news, and interesting scientific discoveries or mysteries
I heard a very interesting thing from one of the White Liberal women politicians in the DA, which is South Africa’s JEW-OWNED and JEW-CONTROLLED Liberal Globo/Homo political parties. These are the only Whites with any kind of money.
She said that one of Putin’s Oligarchs (read: JEW) is actually funding this failing ANC.
The Liberals, and many Whites with soft heads, are expecting the ANC to lose at the elections in 2024. But I very much doubt that. The ANC is here to stay. This is a one party state.
But it is very interesting that an Oligarch, linked to Putin is the main one propping up the failing ANC.
The ANC is really going to be the enemy of the Whites. This was our prime enemy. This is the same organisation that the Whites fought against. JEWS played a critical role in creating it’s "Armed Wing" – read: MILITARY TERRORIST SIDE, which they then linked up with the Russians.
This all took place in the 1960s.
But the ANC is the real danger here in SA.
Video: BANNED: Why Dylann Roof is RIGHT Whites UNDER-REACT to Racial threats
This was my first full length video I made. It was 1 hour long. It was banned everywhere.