Pic: VERY IMPORTANT: Russian military arriving in Mozambique: Russian Air force landing in S.Africa tomorrow
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Video & Audio: Enormous Lies about the Confederates & the Evil Malice of the Freeing of the Slaves
In this show we discuss the Confederates and the American Civil War which took America in the wrong direction and which negatively impacts America to this day.
Video & Audio: Enormous Lies about the Confederates & the Evil Malice of the Freeing of the Slaves
In this show we discuss the Confederates and the American Civil War which took America in the wrong direction and which negatively impacts America to this day.
[Below is an announcement from the SANDF – South African National Defence Force explaining that the Russian air force is arriving in SA. I will be posting an audio about this shortly, so that people understand what is happening and why the Boers and all Whites need to stand their ground. I suspect that the black communists, the so-called “Liberation Movements” of southern Africa are feeling collapse is at hand and they’re calling in the real military force that was behind them and which we whites fought a lot – the RUSSIANS! This might be gun boat diplomacy, a show of force; maybe to intimidate the USA and Europe and to scare the whites of SA. But ignore them. We must stand our ground. We need to start getting serious about our politics and ourselves and stand up for ourselves. Jan]
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Video: More scientific proof that IQ is in hereditary - Jews lie for their Survival
I look at recent scientific evidence to see what scientists know about IQ. The Liberals/Jews and other scum like to pretend that IQ is NOT hereditary. They try by any means to misdirect whites away from this direction. But what does Science say exactly? Scientists have suspected for long that IQ is mainly hereditary. But if you believe things are hereditary, then you‘re heading down the path of ‘Scientific Racism‘ which is something Liberal/Jews do NOT like!
Video: More scientific proof that IQ is in hereditary - Jews lie for their Survival
I look at recent scientific evidence to see what scientists know about IQ. The Liberals/Jews and other scum like to pretend that IQ is NOT hereditary. They try by any means to misdirect whites away from this direction. But what does Science say exactly? Scientists have suspected for long that IQ is mainly hereditary. But if you believe things are hereditary, then you‘re heading down the path of ‘Scientific Racism‘ which is something Liberal/Jews do NOT like!