JEWISH COMMUNISM: MOSSAD front? – Israeli Company rigs the Zimbabwe 2013 election for Communist Mugabe to win!


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Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

[Below is a news article that talks softly about “tampering” with the voters roll. However there were big, detailed stories, many of them in the British press, which said that the company Nikuv had consulted to Mugabe and he had paid them more than $8 million to prepare a plan to rig the 2013 elections so he could win. This information was available long before the election. South Africa's ANC, as usual, pretended to notice nothing, despite this appearing on many websites including main stream British news websites. As usual, the communists get away with anything the hell they please. Jan]

As presidential elections loom, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai accuses Israeli company of tampering with Zimbabwe’s voters’ roll in favour of Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party
Claire Horn by Claire Horn 2013-07-22 16:59

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is accusing an Israeli company, Nikuv International Projects, of tampering with Zimbabwe’s voters’ roll ahead of 31 July 2013 elections. Opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), accused Nikuv of attempting to rig the elections on behalf of Robert Mugabe’s party, the Zimbabwe African National Union — Patriotic Front (ZANU PF).

Nikuv, which specialises in population registration and election systems is accused of providing technical support to the former ruling party in order to manipulate the voters’ roll.

MDC party leader Tsvangirai made allegations against Nikuv during a meeting with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) in Harare led by Justice Rita Makarau, who is said to have promised to look into the accusations.

An MDC statement claimed: “Nikuv is working on the voters’ roll at the Defence House, the headquarters of the Zimbabwe Defence Force and the company is a front for the Israeli spy agency Mossad.” However, they offered no evidence to support this claim.

A representative of Nikuv’s, Ron Asher, said, “It is election time and people are trying to throw mud from this side and the other side. We are legitimate and professional. We have never been involved in any politics, not now or ever.” Asher said that Nikuv works with public sectors worldwide but failed to say which government bodies it was associated with in Zimbabwe.

The Israel-based company have been managing Zimbabwe’s voters’ roll since 1994, after they were controversially granted a tender to upgrade the computer systems at the registrar general’s office.

Tsvangirai argues that the company is now working under the direction of Daniel Tonde Nhepera, the deputy head of the Zimbabwe’s internal security arm, the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO).

The electronic voters’ roll has only been available to the public for less than a week yet there have been several complaints regarding irregularities. Some people checking their names on the new vote registration website claim their names do not appear, despite having registered, whereas others claim their names appear in places they have never lived in before.

This is not the first time that Nikuv has come under scrutiny for their involvement in election rigging in the region, most notably in the recent Ghanian elections according to African Confidential editor Patrick Smith.


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