WHY I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ELON MUSK OR CHARLIZE THERON – Famous, Wealthy Whites who grew up in Apartheid South Africa


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Who are we? Boers or Afrikaners? Answer from Dr Mike Du Toit
I had someone write to me about the topic of Boers versus Afrikaners. I decided to approach Dr Mike Du Toit, who was the leader of the Boeremag, and who is a professional academic who is very well versed in our history to answer this. Dr Du Toit not only knows our history in South Africa but also our history in Europe. This was his answer.

I wrote this note to a guy who’s a huge fan of Elon Musk. I’m not really a fan of musk, but you are welcome to explain why you think he’s a genius. Part of the reason I have a dislike for him are these 2: (a) He was a key player in Paypal – and nobody banned us more and messed us around as much as paypal – paypal stopped my accounts on about 7 or 8 occasions and paypal even stole $200 from me. So he was a key player in that and he showed no backbone, no interest in the truth or people – now with X he apparently does (b) He’s from South Africa, from Pretoria in fact, which is the biggest city of Afrikaners in SA – so his family’s nazi background now makes sense that explains why they lived in Pretoria. Elon Musk grew up in Apartheid South Africa, was surrounded by Afrikaners and White racists – and he’s never once in any way done a single thing for us. In this sense, he’s like Charlize Theron, a famous actress. These people are totally spineless – and I have total contempt for them. They make a lot of money by living in another world, and they don’t give a shit about the Whites and the country they grew up in. They are totally spineless. I have no respect for them.

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Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.

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