Roy Bennett: Could Zimbabwe have had its 1st white President? Has he just been assassinated in the USA?


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Below is a photo of Roy Bennett and his wife. They both died in the helicopter crash.

[I’ve just heard that Roy Bennett died in the USA in a helicopter crash. Roy Bennett was a white farmer who was very opposed to Mugabe. Mugabe hated him and the blacks loved this white man. Roy Bennett became one of the most popular politicians in Zimbabwe. At a point Robert Mugabe tried to get Roy Bennett caught on charges of smuggling weapons into Zimbabwe for an uprising. Mugabe wanted Bennett in prison and hanged (since Zimbabwe still has the death penalty). At that point, Bennett fled from Zimbabwe knowing that once Mugabe has you in his clutches you’re going to die. So Bennett has been outside of Zimbabwe for years.

I watched Roy Bennett’s moves in Zimbabwe for long and I formed the opinion (though I never wrote about it), that this white man could become Zimbabwe’s first White President – though the black politicians would not like it. It was my opinion that this was a possibility, especially if things got rough. I was certain that he was capable of leading the blacks better than any black could lead them and that although he never openly aspired to the Presidency that he was possibly one of the greatest dangers that the black communists of ZANU PF face.

I’ve mentioned that the black commies in Zimbabwe love using car accidents as an assassination method. Here in South Africa during the #BlackMonday protests of the whites against Farm murders a very strange accident occurred. Now later everyone quickly denied it but I heard an audio done by an Afrikaans woman at the scene and she said the truck drove deliberately at high speed into the cars. I remain convinced it was a deliberate, planned attempt to kill whites. Some were injured but nobody was killed.

In about 2009 or so, there was an attempt to kill the black leader of the MDC, Tsangirai with a USAID truck that drove at high speed down the middle of the road towards his car. They had to dive off the road and his wife was killed and he was seriously injured. You can read one of the news stories about it here:

At that time, Tsvangirai was at the peak of his power. The Botswana Govt which was on the side of Tsvangirai at one point even had heavy artillery and troops stationed on the border with Zimbabwe ready to invade it. There is no doubt that the truck accident was a deliberate attempt to kill Tsvangirai. He managed to survive, but was hospitalised and he later clearly had been scared by this event and took a back seat and never stood up to Mugabe again.

However with the demise of Mugabe, the MDC is clearly once more alive and kicking.

So let’s return to Roy Bennett. He’s just died in the USA. News currently is scant on this. Keep in mind that Robert Mugabe is a BILLIONAIRE IN US DOLLAR TERMS! He’s got mega wealth. Mugabe has deep contacts with communists and Jews.

So the first question I’m going to ask is this: WAS ROY BENNETT ASSASSINATED? Mugabe is still in Zimbabwe and is clearly in good shape and Mnangagwa and him are not enemies. Was Roy Bennett up to something? Was he up to something BIG and so they’ve had to kill him?

I’m keen to see what comes of this FAA investigation. I don’t expect them to ever admit any such thing as assassination. But I’m keen to see the facts of this. I’M EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS AS TO WHETHER ROY BENNETT HAS JUST BEEN MURDERED.

BTW, just the other day, I was talking to an American who is the second person to tell me that he thinks the Jews poisoned Dr William Pierce and he gave his reasons for that. This is now the 2nd independent source that I’ve come across mentioning this.

WHITES WORLDWIDE MUST BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL OF THIS TYPE OF THING. There were 42 attempts to kill Adolf Hitler. Never forget that. The Jews spawned the devil system called Communism, and the Jews are ruthless pieces of dog shit.

In the article below it says:
Bennett, who spoke fluent Shona, was earthy and engaging and won a devoted following of black Zimbabweans for passionately advocating political change. He was known as “Pachedu,” meaning “one of us” in Shona and was often called the sharpest thorn in Mugabe’s side.

Roy Bennett also beat a black Govt Minister in parliament who insulted his ancestors. Bennett was jailed for it:
In 2004, Bennett was jailed for a year for assaulting a Cabinet minister who had said Bennett’s “forefathers were thieves and murderers” during a debate. He emerged thin and told of prisoners’ mistreatment.

Bennett fled Zimbabwe after receiving death threats but came back in 2009 after being nominated for the deputy agriculture minister in a coalition government with Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party. The strongman accepted other opposition leaders into his Cabinet, but he refused to swear in Bennett.

Bennett later returned to South Africa but remained a vocal critic of Mugabe’s rule.

In another news article from the Washington Post it said this:
In Zimbabwe, Tendai Biti, a prominent opposition leader and a former finance minister, tweeted that the Bennetts’ ”tragic passing” was “a blow to our struggle.” David Coltart, an opposition figure, said the couple were “two of Zimbabwe’s greatest patriots.”

In 2004, Roy Bennett was jailed for a year for assaulting a Cabinet minister who had said Bennett’s “forefathers were thieves and murderers” during a parliamentary debate. An enraged Bennett charged the minister, who fell to the floor.

He emerged from prison rail-thin and scarred from repeated sunburns. He told of the mistreatment of fellow prisoners, some of whom he said had starved to death in their cells.

The notion of a White man getting to a high position in a black country is not as impossible as you may think. In recent years the Vice President of Zambia is a white man. I’m not sure if he has Jewish links. But he may be the first white man to reach such a rank in Africa. So the notion of Bennett one day making it to the top is not impossible as much as the black communists and the Jews would HATE IT.

It should be obvious that even to senior blacks in Zimbabwe that Bennett was VERY IMPORTANT to them. So I remain utterly suspicious about this death. Also he was with very wealthy people. So maybe there was a danger of Bennett getting support from someone powerful in the USA? I don’t know but I find this suspicious. Jan]

Here’s the Washington Times article about the death of Bennett and the others:

Here’s another news story from South Africa about it:

Roy Bennett helicopter crash ‘claimed wealthy Texas investor, decorated pilots’

2018-01-19 08:45

Raton – Five friends, including a Zimbabwean opposition leader, traveling to a ranch in the US state of New Mexico died when their helicopter crashed in a remote area. Here’s more about the prominent people on board:

Charles Ryland Burnett III, 61 

Born in England, Burnett was an investor and philanthropist with links to a wide range of businesses and a love of entertaining friends extravagantly.

Burnett was based in Houston and listed as an officer in dozens of companies registered with the Texas secretary of state’s office. The Guardian newspaper reported in 2009 that he drove a steam-powered car at an average speed of 225km per hour, setting a world record.

He purchased the Emery Gap Ranch, a sprawling, mountainous property on the Colorado-New Mexico border, in February 2017, said Sam Middleton, a real estate broker in Lubbock, Texas, who worked with Burnett on the purchase. That’s where the group was headed Wednesday.

Middleton on Thursday recalled being invited to Burnett’s 60th birthday party at another ranch he had helped the wealthy businessman purchase. A dance floor and lights powered by a generator were set up on a pasture, with guests brought in by bus and a film crew hired to document the party.

“He had a lot of fun, and he had a lot of people around him all the time,” Middleton said.

He was in a long-term relationship with Andra Cobb, the only survivor of the crash and daughter of Paul Cobb, who was the co-pilot of the helicopter. Burnett was friends with the elder Cobb and the others aboard.

Paul Cobb COBB, 67

He was shot down while flying a helicopter in the Vietnam War, according to his wife, Martha. He went on to serve as a police officer for three decades in the Houston suburb of Pasadena, Texas, rising to police chief until his retirement in 2004.

Cobb flew a historic Vietnam-era helicopter during an event to celebrate the Fourth of July in 2016, according to Houston television station KTRK. Martyn Hill, Burnett’s personal attorney, described Cobb as an experienced, cautious pilot who had “survived many battles.”

“He was a great person as well,” Hill said.

Martha Cobb said her daughter told her after the crash that she passed at least one body on the ground as she tried to escape, before the helicopter burst into flames.

“She’s just very distraught,” Cobb said in a telephone interview, her voice breaking. “I’m just glad my daughter is OK, but I hate that my husband of 41 years is gone.”

Jamie Coleman Dodd, 57

He was a decorated search and rescue pilot who plucked people to safety in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and during one flood season, rented a helicopter on his day off to help rescue dogs stranded on rooftops.

“He was a natural pilot. He was so good at it. When he was in search and rescue, he saved countless lives,” said Jacqueline Dodd, his wife of 25 years, describing him as an adrenaline junky.

Her husband, who went by J.C., received the national “Jeep Hero” award in 2006 for his search and rescue efforts. He donated the award, a new Jeep Commander, to a nonprofit organization that helps the homeless, according to the website of the New Mexico Military Institute, where he went in the mid- to late 1970s.

“He was the kind of guy that you just wanted to be your friend,” Jacqueline Dodd said. “He was above reproach. He was just such a good person.”

Since September, he had worked as Burnett’s private pilot at the Emery Gap Ranch, she said. She and her husband filed separation papers in December after he moved to Trinidad, Colorado, the previous September.

“He took that job against all my wishes,” said Jacqueline Dodd, who lives in Applegate, California, in the foothills northeast of Sacramento.

Her husband enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves in 1979. Dodd transferred to the Army’s Warrant Officer Flight School in 1983 and was later assigned to Howard Air Force Base in Panama, flying medical evacuation missions throughout Central and South America, according to New Mexico Military Institute website.

Dodd moved back and joined the California Highway Patrol in 1990, where he was a search and rescue helicopter pilot. He was inducted into the institute’s Hall of Fame in October 2010.

Roy and Heather Bennett 

Roy Bennett, 60, was a founding member of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, Morgan Tsvangirai‘s Movement for Democratic Change, who angered former President Robert Mugabe by winning a parliamentary seat in a rural constituency despite being white.

Bennett, who spoke fluent Shona, was earthy and engaging and won a devoted following of black Zimbabweans for passionately advocating political change. He was known as “Pachedu,” meaning “one of us” in Shona and was often called the sharpest thorn in Mugabe’s side.

At one point, his successful coffee farm in eastern Zimbabwe was seized by war veterans. One of Bennett’s farmworkers was killed by the invaders and wife Heather miscarried after the assault.

In 2004, Bennett was jailed for a year for assaulting a Cabinet minister who had said Bennett’s “forefathers were thieves and murderers” during a debate. He emerged thin and told of prisoners’ mistreatment.

Bennett fled Zimbabwe after receiving death threats but came back in 2009 after being nominated for the deputy agriculture minister in a coalition government with Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party. The strongman accepted other opposition leaders into his Cabinet, but he refused to swear in Bennett.

Bennett later returned to South Africa but remained a vocal critic of Mugabe’s rule.


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