White genocide: The two schools of thought – Is Malema’s Genocide REAL or NOT?
Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.
[Bullard is a pretty decent White Englishman who tries to tell the truth. The LEFTIST scum, including the dumb White Liberals and Jews say that this is just a song. These are the evil filth who pretend these Blacks are just harmless. That's what gets Whites KILLED. Liberals and Leftists are ANTI-WHITE and they will side with COMMUNISTS! Jan]
There appear to be two distinct schools of thought when it comes to the matter of white genocide. There are those nervous types who feel when a leader of a registered political party addresses his doting followers at a public gathering and talks of “slitting the throat of whiteness” and telling them to “never be afraid to kill because killing is a revolutionary act” that this could be sending a violent message to his many crimson clad followers who, let’s be brutally honest here, are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Then there are those, some of them working in what they would no doubt refer to as ‘the progressive media’, who seem certain that Julius is just teasing and wouldn’t dream of cutting a white throat, at least not for now. They are convinced that the oft performed ditty which translates as ‘Kill the farmer, kill the Boer’ is just a hugely popular song in much the same way as ‘Ag pleez daddy won’t you take us to the drive-in’. Different songs, different cultures. Nothing to worry about. It’s just a song for heaven’s sake and the lyrics are not to be taken seriously. Any more than the lyrics of ‘Fly me to the moon’ are to be taken seriously.
Constitutional law expert Pierre de Vos, quoting Daily Maverick columnist Richard Poplak, Tweeted as follows last week:
"But there is no evidence — zero, nada, bupkes — for an ethnic cleansing campaign in South Africa targeting the white minority. Such accusations are libellous and obscene and deserve to be treated with contempt."
Interestingly de Vos seems happy with the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ rather than white genocide and maybe there is a subtle legal distinction to be made. White genocide does sound a bit like overkill because it suggests the eradication of the entire white race and, even for EFF supporters, that would involve getting up quite early in the morning in order to fulfil your quota of white corpses as ordered by the CIC. If the taxis happened to be on strike as they are in Cape Town at the moment, then that could seriously affect slaughter performance targets.
Ethnic cleansing is slightly different. Firstly, it sounds a lot more acceptable than genocide because it implies an environmentally friendly controlled cull of members of society the EFF may deem to be surplus to requirements.
Since the EFF have managed to attract some white skinned members they wouldn’t want to spook them too much at this stage by adopting a policy of white genocide. Slowly selling the idea of ethnic cleansing is a much better plan for those suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
What is even more interesting about de Vos’s Tweet is the suggestion that those scaredy cat whiteys who are claiming there is an ethnic cleansing campaign afoot are libelling those who are innocently singing a traditional song which just happens to have lyrics which involve a bit of selective murder.
So one of our greatest legal minds appears to agree with Poplak that it is not those who are calling for the slaughter of white people who are on the wrong side of the law but those who are complaining about it. Can we expect legal action from the EFF claiming substantial damages from scaredy cat whiteys for sullying the good name of the party and attempting to bring it even further into disrepute?
The real teaser here is that we won’t know which side is right until it’s too late. This tends to be the pattern with this kind of thing. A devious politician suggests that it might be a good idea to get rid of a certain ethnic group within society and just lets the idea ferment among the followers.
Every so often something new is added to the fermentation tank; “they’re taking our jobs’ they’ve stolen our land; they’re exploiting our people; they’re killing our children” and gradually the fermentation process advances until pressure blows the top of the tank off. Then it’s game on and gangs of thugs get on with the dirty work of ethnic cleansing while the politician who orchestrated it all gets on with living a well-protected life of excess. Since there is no fear of prosecution or any semblance of the rule of law society swiftly descends into utter chaos. But, as our ‘progressive’ media and academics reassure us, it couldn’t happen here because we are so much more civilised than places like Rwanda.
I have to be honest and say that I am not losing much sleep over the threat of ‘white genocide’. If it happens it will be too late to do anything about it anyway, but it would be a good excuse to drink some of those wines I have been keeping for that special occasion that never arrives.
What does mystify me though is the apparent acceptance among the EFFers that slitting the throat of whiteness would be met with no resistance from the throat owners.
If Malema continues to make these threats without any fear of legal action or so much as a slap on the wrist from Pres Frogboiler how long will it be before someone suggests a pre-emptive strike? Since legal action in South Africa has become something of a farce with the National Prosecuting Authority seemingly unable to operate effectively and deliberate court delays making it unlikely that even the greatest known crooks will ever see the inside of a courtroom, I think Malema can be pretty confident that he will be free to live a life of unexplained luxury forever. However, it’s this collapse of the legal process that could push some of those who feel threatened over the edge, and this could spark something terrible.
The level of anger at the moment is palpable and when Afriforum’s Ernst Roets posted a tweet last week featuring the following exchange between the two Daily Maverick contributors he had 105 000 viewings:
Richard Poplak @Poplak
What wine pairs best with white genocide?
Pierre de Vos @pierredevos
Allesverloren blanc de blanc
This witty exchange didn’t go down at all well with many of the 240 odd people who replied to Roets’s tweet, some of them even threatening to cancel their subscriptions to Daily Maverick. Heather Robertson accused South Africa of having a sense of humour failure in her weekly Maverick newsletter and Poplak wrote a short piece explaining that it was only ‘satire’ so it was alright (not a defence that has ever worked for me).
The greatest threat to safety and security in South Africa at the moment probably isn’t what is coming out of Malema’s mouth. We’ve already had more than a decade of that, and we know he is addicted to publicity so will say anything to get media coverage.
The real threat comes from what Donald Rumsfeld called the ‘unk unks’, or the unknown unknowns. Since our intelligence gathering couldn’t even predict the Durban riots of 2021 or even find who the masterminds were I think we will just have to resign ourselves to the reality that an outbreak of ethnic cleansing will come as a nasty surprise to us all. But we have had so many nasty surprises under 30 years of the ANC that one more won’t hurt.
Last month I had to drop my wife off at the airport for a ten o’clock flight. That meant leaving home at seven to give us enough time to arrive for check in. It also meant driving along the N2 in darkness. I no longer need to commute so I have never travelled on the N2 between Somerset West and Cape Town at this time of the morning but I now have huge respect (and sympathy) for those who do.
Apart from the sheer volume of speeding traffic that early in the morning you have to watch out for groups of dark clad figures scurrying across the motorway. They’re generally not visible until they are caught in your headlights by which time it could well be too late. You also need to hope and pray that nobody is going to lob a brick through your windscreen which seems to be a favourite past-time in these parts.
But scariest of all are the taxis. Many of them have no rear lights or only one working headlight. Some look clearly unroadworthy but it’s the lack of driving skills that are the real threat to personal safety.
I hung in the centre lane at the speed limit because I reckoned that might be the safest space and experienced taxis swerving in front of me at near collision proximity from both the left and the right lanes. It was terrifying and I am now insisting on daylight runs for any future Joburg flight drop offs.
The City of Cape Town is clamping down on the taxi industry and impounding non-roadworthy vehicles and those driven by unlicensed drivers. This has angered the local taxi mafia who have gone on strike and started a Golden Arrow bus burning spree to drive their point home.
This, in turn, has left many workers unable to commute to work or to get home which is just the latest challenge for short staffed local businesses as well as the already constrained health services. It has all turned very ugly indeed and doesn’t look like being solved soon.
What is happening in the taxi industry shouldn’t surprise anybody given the criminality of the ruling party and their high tolerance for violence. The truly sad reality though is that we are approaching the tourist season and if Cape Town (voted best city in the world to visit by Daily Telegraph readers) cannot guarantee the safety of visitors then we can kiss the idea of tourism saving our limping economy goodbye. But perhaps that has been the plan all along.
Source: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/opinion/white-genocide-the-two-schools-of-thought
Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.