We used to support the Anti-Apartheid Movement: One of my supporters in Europe made me laugh…


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White Shop: The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry
This is a FANTASTIC BOOK written by a well travelled American Military Officer. It tears all the lies about the Germans that have been told by the Jews and the Allies to shreds. I have a copy. It is the best book written about the Germans by a non-German since WW2.

One of my European supporters sent me a note that made me laugh. He said how, when he was younger, how he and others supported the Anti-Apartheid movements thinking they were doing good. Now he realises it was all wrong.

But what made me laugh was that he said that, he CONSTANTLY checks up on what I say and what I write and that … Jan is ALWAYS RIGHT! I am ALWAYS RIGHT!!! 🙂

I laughed.

I do my utmost to tell the truth. And it pleased me that he has realised where the truth comes from!

It made my day!

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Get a Free PDF Book: The Great Jewish Mask
This is an amazing pamphlet from 1935 that has been exceptionally popular on my website. You will get the 37 page book The Great Jewish Mask, with an index added to it.The Jews lie a lot about their history and most Christians are fooled by this.

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