Video: S.Africa: Crazy Blacks: The Drug Muffins: Space muffins trio facing 43 counts of attempted murder


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White South African Murders page: Murders of Whites from 1996 to 2016
On this page, are collections of the names and details of Whites who were murdered during the period 1996 to 2016. The true number of Whites killed in South Africa since 1994, is stupendous, and nobody has got even a fraction of all the names. But this is the most comprehensive collection that the Boere State Party has currently. My own attorney told me that he thinks 100,000 Whites have been murdered during Black rule.

[This is a crazy story, like many from SA. Space Muffins are muffins that have weed in them. In other words they are drugged. Everything that happened here was Black on Black. Whites had nothing to do with this madness. Jan]

The Soshanguve Magistrates court has heard that some of the learners who ate muffins suspected to be laced with cannabis at the Pulamadibogo primary school were forced to consume them by the accused. Three men are now facing 43 counts of attempted murder.

Here’s the video:

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Zimbabwe: I prefer sex with animals... is better than sex with women
This Black guy has had sex with 260 women, but he‘s also had sex with different types of animals. He‘s concluded that sex with animals is better...

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