Video: Jews use Blacks (and Muslims) as bullets against White people


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White Shop: Hitlers Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs
Drawing on over 200 German sources, many pre-1945, Hitlers Revolution provides concise, penetrating insight into the National Socialist ideology and how it transformed German society. The governments success at relieving unemployment and its social programs to eliminate class barriers unlock the secret to Hitlers undeniable popularity.

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Backup Video:

Jews misdirect not only white politics but black politics as well. They did it very effectively in the USA. This is an important excerpt from my interview with Brian where he was quoting David Duke who said that Jews use blacks as bullets. We discuss the ways in which Jews have created, nurtured and exploited racial hatred against white people. Have Jews created a race relations nightmare for white people across the world? We both think so. I also mention discussions I had with Alex Linder and recently Andrew Carrington Hitchcock in the UK and what they had to say about this topic.

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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews infiltrate White thinking and also the NAZI Rockwell
We discuss how Tom got into politics and how he began to understand the Jewish problem. So we focus on the events of the 1960s. Tom worked as a TV Technician and later worked for Douglas aircraft.

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