Video: BRWR01: BOER REVOLUTION?: 30th October 2017 – War over Farm Murders? – Plaasmoord


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Get a Free PDF Book: How to Master Secret Work
Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

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I discuss what happened in the last few days and how I came to hear of this and what my initial impressions are. Here are photos and video of the tribute the Boers of Pretoria West paid to their friend who was brutally murdered on his farm and to the other murdered farmers.

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