Video & Audio: White Survival: We are 21st Century Pioneers – BE YOURSELF!
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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.
Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.
I look at history. What worked for the Americans and Boers in the past? What methods worked for Whites? Can we use lessons from the past right now in the 21st century?
Most Whites in our movement, and who are awakened to the truth, don’t realise the hostility of the situation we find ourselves in. Our enemies will NEVER allow us to arise or even to use facilities which we have every legal right to use. Most Whites feel very overwhelmed by what lies ahead and they feel beaten even before they start.
I also discuss Die Monument (“The Monument”) in Pretoria. The greatest White Monument in South Africa built by Whites for Whites.