Video & Audio: Ultimate Race War: Could White Rhodesians have survived outnumbered 30:1?


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Great Jewish Mask
This is an amazing pamphlet from 1935 that has been exceptionally popular on my website. You will get the 37 page book The Great Jewish Mask, with an index added to it.The Jews lie a lot about their history and most Christians are fooled by this.

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In this video we will look at a scenario that, in theory is totally IMPOSSIBLE to survive. We will explore a hypothetical scenario that I have pondered for a number of years, regarding whether there was a method whereby we Rhodesians could perhaps have survived against the Blacks who were armed by the Russians and Chinese.

All Rhodesian military officers, in their writings, said that there was “no military solution” to the Rhodesian problem.

In this video we will explore a situation that, in theory, seems to be impossible to survive.

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Video: Professor Quigley: The Jewish Rothschilds and the History of Banking and Money
Professor Quigley was hated by the White Right in the 1960s. The bulk of this video is 40 pages specially removed from his 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope, which deal with the Jewish Rothschilds, banking and Whites and Jews who played a big role in capitalism.

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