Video & Audio: The Core Values that Unite the White Race: Parts 8: Honour & 9: Self-Sacrifice


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2004: S.Africa: 50,000 School Leavers expected to Fake Matric Certificates
Blacks falsify their Matric results! Why Black school leavers are expected to try to falsify their matric certificates.

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There are 2 values that I discuss here:

Honour, loyalty, man of your word. A Warrior value. It ties back to truth. This is not such a strong value any more, but a remnant of what we had.

Self-Sacrifice: I discuss that a Soldier or warrior will kill or die for the benefit of the group. This is a definite Warrior value. It ties back to Meritocracy which I discussed earlier.

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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.

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