Video & Audio: NORDIC FRONTIER #264: Jan Lamprecht on South Africa


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2003: Zim: World Food Program cuts December food for 2.6m Black people
Here‘s proof from an old article of mine that the WFP was feeding millions of Blacks in Zimbabwe after they chased out the White Farmers. Personally I think the Blacks should have been left to starve.

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A video was doing the rounds where a Black woman in SA was saying that Blacks had failed DISMALLY in their efforts to run SA and that power should be given back to the Whites. Nordic Frontier were kind enough to invite me on to the show to discuss the state of S.Africa.

We covered a lot of detail in depth about the state of SA. We also discussed Whites in general. There were many interesting discussions and topics during this show.

This show was recorded on: 27th June 2023.

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2005: Black Failure: S.Africa: Half of SA pupils do not reach matric
Under Black rule: About half of all South African children drop out of school before they reach Grade 12. The vast majority of these are Black kids.

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