Video & Audio: 1725: A Small band of brave Dutchmen are attacked in a Black Empire in S.Africa


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2008: S.Africa: Oprah Winfrey, Racist diva of double standards
Ms Winfrey openly and shamelessly admitted that her new school was not only racist, but also sexist. She opened an elite school only for Black Girls in SA.

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“Let us devour the White people” shouted the hundreds of Blacks as they attacked 30 Dutch soldiers and sailors! This is a little known story of the Dutch on the East Coast of Africa. These are the trials and tribulations of the Dutch and the dangers they faced as they heard of Blacks who wore golden armour and they had a lot of wealth. We look at the De Kuiper expedition that was sent to find the source of these rumours.

Everything that Jews and Liberals teach you about Diversity and other races is a LIE! You will see this in the life and death struggles of these Dutch from 300 years ago.

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