#TimeToKill: Australian asks me: When will the Whites SNAP and start KILLING our enemies?


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I wrote an article about #TimeToKill (invented by Alex Linder!). The 2 of us were on Gab when someone was trying to intimidate Dennis Wise. You can read the short article I wrote about #TimeToKill and why I said I’m all in favour of: violence, murder, terrorism, war, etc: http://historyreviewed.com/index.php/2018/03/21/im-all-in-favour-of-terror-violence-murder-war-as-long-as-it-saves-the-white-race/

So on HRC an Australian wrote to me. He was clearly frustrated (as I have been in the past too). He wrote this:
what magical event do you finally think its going to take for people to actually do something? and then what can we actually do? its like all the dumb americans claiming they are going to “eventually” do something, meanwhile they are about to be a minority and blacks are committing 200x more interracial violence according to the FBI… AND AMERICANS HAVE ALL THE GUNS!!!… i keep watching south africa and how its falling apart and i see my politicians forcing us here in Australia down EXACTLY the same path and it scares me shitless but i’ve never heard anyone come up with an example of what will make it finally “snap”. we are going to be down to the last white guy in our countries screaming “soon, soon the war will begin”

This was my reply:

Hi Nosdan,
You raise a really important question. I also wondered “when people will snap”. 99.9% of the time whites won’t just “snap”.
Whites are a very controlled people.

I’ve come to the conclusion, having observed the whites in Zimbabwe and the whites in South Africa, that its a “process”. Firstly, all people, of all races, not just whites, are arrogant. Everyone believes: “It can’t happen to me”. But when it does finally happen, much later anger will set in.

There is also a strong element of psychological warfare and “stage managing” that is going on all the time. You might not be aware of it. The authorities, the elite, the MSM, the Intelligence Agencies – they all do things to stop people “exploding into violence”. The Police also go to work infiltrating groups. There is a LOT that goes on that YOU DO NOT SEE.

War also is not a thing that “just happens”. People will, very quickly, within hours, realise what is happening and lots of people will run in to “calm the masses down” AND IT DOES WORK. So we could easily have more than one “blow out” where whites really start getting tired and then everything is quietened down. An example is the fighting between blacks and whites in Pretoria West last year. That was spontaneous. But with time, people came to defuse it. Luckily, the whites were aggressive for a week and they actually drove the blacks off. But those whites do not want to engage in other violence easily. So there are psychological factors at work.

Whites will quietly begin making moves as they perceive the threat growing. That’s how this begins. Many times, their “quiet pre-emptive moves” “soften” up the process AND WILL BUY THEM TIME! This happens in South Africa quietly. Whites many times can quietly stop things. Not always, but they can. And it won’t be in the news.

Whites will only ACT (not snap), when they have begun to build up strength and unity. Whites will NEVER SNAP. They will ACT, when they have begun to work and build “structures” (e.g. political entities) that will fight.

The final phase will be the LEADERS. The leader is the hardest part because whites will go for the easy route always. Whites will ALWAYS try to avoid a leader who looks like he’s going to bring a lot of blood, sweat and tears for them. They will NOT look forward to such a leader.

Whites will ALWAYS walk down the EASY PATH first. They will do this and flog this to death until they can’t make it work. The process towards fighting back is a long one. But it will be forced on them eventually.

The whites of the world are beginning to move DESPITE their elite and masters holding them down.

Don’t lose faith. Whites will never act preemptively years ahead of the time. This is LARGELY due to the way the Jews hide their intentions and lie about things.

Just keep on working and learning, red-pilling, being an activist. Teaching yourself skills, etc. There is a worldwide stirring going on in the USA and Europe and the UK. So make no mistake its coming.

In Australia, I’d say you’re in for a LONG WAIT.

There are many aspects to the question you ask. Its a very valid question and I’ve been trying to figure out for many years myself how this would work. What I’ve written above is what I’ve begun to deduce about this.

That’s why I’m not particularly worried, even about SA. There are MANY factors. And there are factors that work for us, that you’re not aware of.

Nice to see an Australian here. Many ex-SA people there by you. BE AWARE of the fucking Jews in Australia who came from South Africa. The fucking pieces of shit will be working to fuck you guys up your asses. Watch the fucking Jewish cunts. They are going to damage you like they damaged us.

Take care brother.

PS: There is a lot more I could say. Its a critical issue that I’ve pondered and frowned and worried over for many years. My answer is simply: The whites will hit back. The whites will go on the attack everywhere eventually. How and when and where it takes place depends on many factors.

The Jew has worked hard and works intensely hard to DEFUSE these situations endlessly. That’s what the Jew does.

Whites, Globally do NOT act in accordance with their natural instincts. Their instincts are MASSIVELY SUPPRESSED due to decades of Jewish meddling since WW2.

But when it does break free one day, I think its going to be freaking wild. I even think that when whites truly want to break out of the system that it will require WW3. I think freedom for whites can only happen in a WW3 type scenario. I am sure that when one group of whites break out, that the Jews will rush in the cuckolds from elsewhere to come and kill them. I think it will be bloody – maybe even many times bloodier than WW2. It might make WW2 look like a walk in the park. It might even require a whole era of endless warfare that rages for long. When the blood flows … it will flow. But I feel confident, even here in SA that you’ll still see the whites EVENTUALLY fighting like lunatics. But it may be quite a few years before then.


PPS: Wars do NOT take place by accident. They have to be prepared for and fueled by both sides. There will be battle lines drawn and both sides will reach an impasse. Like: (((Elite)))+Money+Govt Vs White Nationalists. That eventually the White Nationalists are blocked in a certain way and they find all the doors are closed. That’s when they’ll say: Fuckit! We’re going to fight. Remember this: WARS DO NOT TAKE PLACE BY ACCIDENT – NEVER. Both sides must want/need it. Only then does it happen. So we must focus ourselves on progressing forward knowing that eventually we will be blocked too much and that we will have to break through by force. That’s how this thing will happen.

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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: How Jewish Money & White Greed; Destroys successful White societies
This is one of the most fascinating discussions Ive had with Tom. We end up discussing whites and what actually works for whites. The highlight is when we get into the topic of the Confederates and slavery and how the economy made more money when whites owned their own little farms and produced their own goods.

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