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Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.

Very briefly: I watched the Russian Professor Dugin’s video about Africa. Firstly, he’s out of touch with reality re how Africa functions. But I investigated and although he has no official position in Russia, HIS VIEWS PERMEATE THE RUSSIAN MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT AND PUTIN ALSO FOLLOWS THEM. His plan is Eurasia led by Russia. Dugin is basically doing what I warned of in early 2023 – Russia coming to Africa to extend the Ukraine war here. But I know for a fact, the USA is active here too. I know, because someone told me of meetings America was having with Blacks. Russia and America are both going to try to gather Africans into their camps. During decolonization, and the wars in southern Africa, the Russians were winning across Africa. Dugin is trying to get Blacks to rise up against Europe and America. That’s the game here. Black Africa is damned useless.

This war won’t amount to much, but it will be diplomatic, ideological, economic. Dugin wants Blacks to be a power in a multipolar world. I did laugh a lot at him saying Africa must be great again. Now that was very funny. Africa is completely useless. The Blacks will most likely just play both America and Russia. Russia’s main power has been to find some backward Blacks where they pulled off a coup and they armed them and they chased out the French. I think they chased out the USA. War in Africa is pathetic. The THIRD WORLD – the NON-WESTERN WORLD is a very pathetic world and Africa is the most pathetic part of that world. The Russians are just looking for any Blacks they can arm and trade with. The Ukrainians did a great thing when they helped the Blacks in Mali and those Blacks killed some Wagner. I laughed that Dugin was here in Johannesburg where I am.

What a fool. Every city in South Africa was built by Whites. We’re back in the Cold War, but to be frank, nobody really cares. The ONLY thing keeping the Blacks in Africa alive are their economic ties, mostly to Europe and Britain and a little bit to America. Russia has nothing to trade with Africa. Last time the Russians could only give weapons and that’s all they have this time. Whichever Blacks fight for Russia – it will be a few thousand here and a few thousand there. The pro-American Blacks don’t seem to want to fight the pro-Russian Blacks. So diplomacy has been a flop. America and Russia can strong arm the Blacks of Africa but it’s a very lame affair, and little will come of it. It will keep both Governments busy. But in reality Black African power is virtually zero. Africa couldn’t punch it’s way out of a paper bag.

The multipolar world is more a mirage than anything real. Its the same as BRICS. BRICS has more substance than a United Africa. (Africa is more or less "united" – it is "united" against Whites). The only topic that would really rile up Africa is if Boers wanted to create a Volkstaat. That would make all of Africa completely crazy – and – all of Africa would not be able to stop the Boers, if the Boers wanted a Volkstaat. I’m totally game for a Volkstaat. Then you’d see how useless Africa really is. The Third World as a whole is very lame. But Africa is the most useless. The Europeans alone could collapse Africa simply by changing some financial rules. The main POWER over Africa and the ONLY thing holding Africa up, are the European, British and lesser American companies who have holdings here. Africa could be COLLAPSED, and hundreds of millions of Blacks could be starved simply by withdrawing Western companies from Africa.

But I think we’ll see a very lame, very weak, very pathetic struggle between America and Russia in Africa. It will be a stupid thing, almost like expecting 2 homeless bums on the street to get into a fight with each other. It’s the first time I’ve watched Dugin, and I see him as an evil, anti-White, anti-Western, Russian TROUBLE MAKER. I definitely dislike this man. He is anti-White, anti-European, anti-Western. No I don’t believe in a world led by RUSSIA. I want to see Europe great again.


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White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.

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