South Africa: Blacks breed too fast: 33% official unemployment! – 6,000 more people to be fired from their jobs – My comments


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Video & Audio: Rockwell: ALL Whites EVERYWHERE need Political Armies Waging Political Warfare
The awesome White American man, George Lincoln Rockwell, came up with the idea that Whites needed a Balanced Political Army. In this video I chat to Robert (Mosely), an American guy I know in the movement and we discuss Rockwell as well as his ideas and what it means.

[There are many issues here, but the most important is that blacks breed faster than the economy can grow. This also indirectly indicates that blacks are not actually adding value to the economy, or that the structure of our “Jewish Globalist” economy does not work this way.

These are topics worth coming back to. But even below it seems that the black population is growing by 2% per annum and the moment our economy grows by less than that, then the blacks become, per capita poorer!

This is the beauty about black nations. They are NOT PRODUCTIVE. They consume more than they produce.

But there are lots of unemployed whites also now. This is the first time that I've heard them officially acknowledging that 1/3 of the labour force is unemployed.

Several millions of these are also blacks fired by whites!! The blacks are too expensive, and now even foreign companies can't afford them. Its beautiful. We're heading for nasty times and it is going to shock whites. But, as I say, WORSE IS BETTER. Jan]

Less than a month into 2020, South African companies have already announced thousands of job cuts. In a country where a third of the labor force is already unemployed, this will put even more strain on demand and economic growth.

Almost 6,000 jobs are at risk as companies including Telkom SA SOC Ltd, the country’s largest fixed-line operator, and Walmart Inc’s local unit Massmart Holdings Ltd plan to reduce their headcount after slumps in earnings.

That’s after Sibanye Gold Ltd cut positions at its Marikana operations as part of restructuring plans and Glencore Plc issued a notice of possible reductions at its Rustenburg ferrochrome smelter.

If realized, these job losses will add to an unemployment rate that is the highest in at least 11 years, and place a further damper on demand and consumption spending in an economy stuck in the longest downward cycle since World War II.

Growth in household expenditure, which makes up 60% of economic activity, slowed to 0.2% in the third quarter despite a reduction in the benchmark interest rate.

“Labor market dynamics – job growth, income growth — are the most important drivers of consumption expenditure and I worry that if we see more of these kinds of announcements it could further depress household consumption expenditure,” said Miyelani Maluleke, a senior economist at Absa Bank Ltd.

An economic blueprint that President Cyril Ramaphosa co-authored a decade ago aims to reduce joblessness to as little as 6% by 2030, but the government’s actions are not helping. In addition to a lack of urgency in implementing policies that’ll boost growth and convince businesses to invest and expand, the state and its companies are also reducing workers.

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has made it clear the state wage bill has to be trimmed, and that means a government that employs fewer people. Despite opposition from labor unions, the restructuring of power utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, which has billions of dollars of debt and a bloated workforce, will lead to job cuts when it eventually happens.

The national carrier, South African Airways, is in bankruptcy protection and started canceling flights on Tuesday to save cash, a step that could usher in a reduction in staff.

insufficient economic growth. Since 2015, population growth has outpaced growth in gross domestic product every year.

That means the economy “doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what is required in terms of jobs for new entrants in the labor market,” Maluleke said.

“As a result I think you’re going to see the (un)employment rate grow.” (sic)

South Africa’s economy hasn’t expanded by more than 2% a year since 2013 and neither the central bank nor the National Treasury see it reaching that level by 2022.

The economy needs sustained GDP growth of 2.5% to 3% to stabilize and to reduce the unemployment rate, Maluleke said.


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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

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