S.Africa: Crime: Cops arrest suspect ’dragging’ body of 20-year-old woman – My Comments
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[Hmmm, pretty obvious huh … dragging a body … and it turns out he's a serial killer hey… I suspect this is a black or coloured who killed another non-white. This does not sound as if it was in a white suburb. Jan]
Cape Town – SAPS officers in Wolseley have arrested a 33-year-old man in connection with the murder of three people, the SAPS in the Western Cape said on Sunday.
The suspect was arrested by police officers after he was seen on Saturday evening "dragging something that turned out to be the body of a local 20-year-old woman“ in the Pine Valley informal settlement in Wolseley, Western Cape SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa said in a statement.
Community members alerted the police officers to suspicious activity in the Pine Valley area after 11pm. Upon arrival at the scene, the officers "made the gruesome discovery". The suspect, who also resides in the area, was subsequently arrested.
On Sunday, police were called out to the area again where a shallow grave was discovered in an open field by a passer-by.
With the assistance of the forensic pathology services, a yet-to-be identified woman’s body was dug up from the shallow grave. A further search of the area by police led to the discovery of another grave not far from the first one. A second body, whose identity, age, and gender have not yet been determined, was discovered.
SAPS crime scene experts, including members of the K9 unit, detectives, and fingerprint experts, were on the scene until late on Sunday afternoon.
"How the deceased persons died is part of a police investigation and autopsies will also be conducted soon. Anyone with information either about the identities of the deceased persons or what led to their deaths is urged to contact Detective Sergeant Pieters of Wolseley police on 079-894-0195," Potelwa said.
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