S.Africa: Blacks beat White Farmer to death: Farmer found tied up, beaten to death, Waterval-Boven


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[A bakkie is a pickup truck. So they stole his truck. As always, no crime scene photos. They're always hiding what the Blacks are up to. Jan]

A farm murder took place between Thursday 22 September, 2022 and Friday 23 September, 2022 on the farm Mayhem near Waterval-Boven in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa.

Gideon Swart’s lifeless body was found outside of his house by his family.

He was found tied up and it appeared as if he was beaten to death.

Mr. Swart lived on a section of the farm Mayhem. The farm belongs to his brother. His family could not reach him on Thursday and when they went to look for him on Friday they discovered the murder scene.

Mr. Swart’s bakkie was taken by his attackers.

The murder and attack has been confirmed but due to the Police’s lack of communication with the media not much is known about the details of the attack at this stage.

There is no other information available at this stage.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/mpumalanga/farm-murder-farmer-found-tied-up-beaten-to-death-waterval-boven/

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