S.Africa: Black Married man arrested for throwing his mistress from their fourth floor hotel room in Joburg – My Comments


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[So … if you're married, but your mistress is giving you trouble … chuck her out of the window, turn over and go to sleep! This is one cool dude! He didn't even run away. Just pushed her out of the window and hey presto. I don't hear liberals or Jews screaming about this though. Jan]

Pretoria – A married man is appearing in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court today after allegedly throwing his girlfriend from their fourth floor hotel room in the Joburg CBD.

Spokesperson for the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Joburg, Captain Xoli Mbele, said police officers found the man sleeping in the room “as if nothing had happened” after he had allegedly pushed the woman.

“Police apprehended a 38-year-old male for attempted murder at Blue Star Hotel at the corner of Bree and Troye Street on [Thursday] December 16, 2021 at around 1am. The suspect booked a hotel with his girlfriend on December 15, 2021 at 8pm,” said Mbele.

The duo were given keys to a room on the fourth floor of the hotel.

After midnight on Thursday morning, security at the premises heard a thud and went to investigate.

“The security guard heard a loud bang in the middle of the night and he went outside to inspect and saw a 25-year-old female on the street badly injured. She told the security guard that her boyfriend pushed her,” said Mbele.

The injured woman was rushed to hospital by ambulance, in a critical condition.

“Police were contacted and they apprehended a suspect who was found sleeping in the room as if nothing happened.

“The motive for pushing the victim out of the hotel is not yet known. An investigation is under way, and the suspect is appearing today in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court,” said Mbele.

Source: https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/gauteng/married-man-arrested-for-allegedly-throwing-his-mistress-from-their-fourth-floor-hotel-room-in-joburg-14e88386-2d17-430e-bcab-cc746502d7c3

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