S.Africa: Another Farm Attack: Farm attack, attackers gain entry through roof, assault woman, Brondal


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A farm attack took place on 14 January 2021, at 19:00, in Brondal in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Two attackers gained entry to the home by climbing through the roof. As the first attacker entered the woman managed to send an emergency message for help. The second attacker then also gained entry. They overpowered the woman, assaulted her and tied her up.

The Brondal farm watch immediately responded along with other role players and the police. The attackers fled on foot into the nearby plantations with jewelry, a TV and other household items.

ER24 attended to the woman who suffered injuries from the attack and the farm watch scoured the area but there were no arrests. There is no other information available at this stage.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/mpumalanga/farm-attack-attackers-gain-entry-through-roof-assault-woman-brondal/

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