Photo: Example of S.Africa: Big Power outage in Johannesburg, and what we are told….


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Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!

[This is an example of the type of official communication we in SA get with there’s a power outage when something breaks. This is not a rolling blackout (aka load shedding). This is an actual BREAKAGE. In here you can see lots of areas, including where I live, which has been out all day. Now they claim they’ve restored a lot of the power but in reality the entire suburb is off. They say that the trigger was that power “tripped” in one area. Well, that sounds like a load of total nonsense because if power TRIPPED then you just switch it back on. It seems something BLEW somewhere and it knocked out power in many areas and it’s been like this all day. Who knows when electricity will return. I run off my own power. Jan]

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White Shop: We Dared to Win: The SAS in Rhodesia
Andre Scheepers grew up on a farm in Rhodesia, learning about the bush from his African childhood friends, before joining the army. A quiet, introspective thinker, Andre started out as a trooper in the SAS before being commissioned into the Rhodesian Light Infantry Commandos, where he was engaged in fireforce combat operations.

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