Ouch! Jews & Blacks caught out in one shot… with their hatred of White South Africans!


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100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.

[The beauty and importance of our situation as whites in Africa is that EVERY SINGLE (BOGUS) ARGUMENT that Jews use to hit the Whites of America and Europe with, can be TOTALLY INVALIDATED when you begin to study the history and the present situation of the whites of Africa. Every single Jewish/Liberal argument (sophistry actually – an argument that sounds logical but isn’t), falls apart once you study the experiences of whites in Africa. On Twitter someone nabbed the Jews by pointing out that their “minority” argument falls apart at the seams when looked at in the South African context! In the USA the Jews are always arguing for “minorities”. But in South Africa they stab the white minority in the back and argue instead for the majority – the blacks.

If we whites stick together globally, we can win on ALL FRONTS. Between us all, we have everything we need in order to WIN … to win for us as a RACE!

We whites are far from finished. In fact, our real battle has hardly begun! 14/88. Jan]



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Get a Free PDF Book: The Battle for Rhodesia
This is a classic book from 1966. Douglas Reed was an excellent, truth-telling White journalist and author who dared to write books telling the raw truth about many things. In 1936, he was in Europe and wrote a book warning that WW2 was coming. In 1966, he was in Rhodesia, and he wrote a similar book, wherein he warned of the coming war in Africa. There are many things he wrote in this book which have been forgotten. He writes about the two-faced British and of the insanity of America.

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