My Thoughts: COVID IS AWESOME! – Covid has come to save Western Civilisation
Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.
These are notes I wrote for another post, but it deserves space of its own. Seriously. Covid is incredible.
This is what I wrote:
This is fascinating. In reality we’re most likely the one testing the most for COVID. The rest of Africa is not going to be as bothered by this. When I observe the non-Whites and probably the Whites too, I don’t see anyone panicked by it. It’s mostly a case of COVID BOREDOM! I observe the behaviour and the measures taken and I think most people are quite bored by these warnings. However, perhaps, in the years to come, COVID is going to assist us Whites. It seems there is no end in sight to COVID lockdowns and damage to the economy. I am liking this COVID thing. I think COVID is a Liberal creation which is going to DISEMBOWEL the Western world. Heck … what’s NOT to like? A silly disease that hardly kills, while the "preventative measures" destroy all of Liberal Multicultural Civilisation? Isn’t this AWESOME??? I think so!
Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.