My BIG THANKS to the ShitLordHub Blog spot… Whites do NOT need Google or Search Engines any more!


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Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!

I’ve been meaning for a long time to thank the owner(s) of this website. It seems to be a news aggregation site … probably all automated.

But I want to thank them very much for being a news aggregator. They bring more traffic to me than any of the search engines including Google.

The search engines, including “mighty” Google are so censored these days as to be practically USELESS for ALL PURPOSES!

Truly The ShitLordHubBlogSpot is proof that we do NOT NEED Search Engines like Google any more.

I wish whites would create MORE News Aggregation sites. It will be fantastic. We will be able to move our news around without Google.

If we had enough News aggregation sites, we would not need Facebook, Youtube or Google any more.

And I do think we could do a simple search engine for ourselves if we ever needed to that gets to our stuff.

I’ve monitored my hits from TheShitLordHub blogspot for many months now and daily they beat everyone.

So Heil Hitler and 14/88 to TheShitLordHubBlogspot.

Here is their link:

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German Hero Horst Mahler‘s Video Channel
Horst Mahler in Germany sent me a link to his new video channel. Feel free to spread it. The man is a hero. They treated him very badly in jail and he lost his legs. The man is a hero, fighting for the truth!

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