Lasha Darkmoon: The Jewish Role in Child Murder and Snuff Pornography – My Comments
Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.
[This is really important stuff, and the Jews have been running around hiding this stuff for long. This is the kind of stuff that whites need to shove in the faces of any Christian who defends this race of scum. And, they promote paedophilia. I've posted this stuff before, even from the UK. And then you have Lord Janner, screwing young boys in parliament, and the Jew paedophile and weirdo, Epstein and his nonsense. In the USA I recall, in the early days when I watched the JEW Larry King Live, without knowing he was a Jew, and he was promoting, NAMBLA – North American Man Boy Love Association … in other words, a bunch of gay men who want to have sex with young boys. Jewish perversion has no ends I tell you. This is from Lasha. And she's quoting the late, great, Dr William Pierce! Jan]
If 55 percent of the world’s child pornography is produced in the US—according to the British charity National Children’s Homes—23 percent of the world’s child porn is produced in Russia. (Link suppressed)
Whether or not Russian child porn is dominated by Russian Jews remains a nebulous issue. There is a high probability that it is, given that there is substantial evidence of Russian Jewish involvement in sex trafficking, kidnapping, pedophilia, and even child murder in the production of snuff porn movies.
Let me now quote from a news report first published in October 2000. I will intersperse snippets of this report — “JEWISH GANGSTERS RAPED, KILLED CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS TWO ON FILM” — with comments on the same case by Dr William Pierce which you can listen to yourself in the video at the end of this article:
ROME, ITALY — Italian and Russian police, working together, broke up a ring of Jewish gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape and snuff pornography.
Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years old from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then murdering them on film.
Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700 nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an unknown number in the United States, paid as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and murdered.
Here is what Dr William Pierce has to say:
“I suggest that if you asked your favorite Jewish media boss why his report of the police raids in Italy and the arrest of the child pornographers in Moscow didn’t get more news coverage in the United States, he’ll tell you that such news would only generate hatred against the Jews. And you know, he’d be right.
“My view is that such people should SIMPLY BE KILLED ON THE SPOT whenever and wherever they are found. More than that, the people who promote and encourage the extreme individualist mindset through their control of the media SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED ROOT AND BRANCH AS A CLASS.”
(Video transcript, emphasis added)
The news report concludes:
Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but were circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcast scenes from the films live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were spreading “blood libel.”
Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, saying that it would prejudice Americans against Jews.
Dr Pierce is naturally outraged at these dirty tricks to conceal from the public the heavy Jewish role in snuff porn pedophilia: the systematic torture and murder of little children by Jewish pornographers in order to sate the jaded appetites of sexual perverts in the West:
“If there’s any group of people on this planet who have valid reasons for hating the Jews, it’s the Russians…. The Jews bled Russia dry with 70 years of Marxist rule and and murdered tens of millions of Russians—the best Russians—in the Communist slave labor camps or in the basements of the secret police headquarters or beside the shooting pits in forests all over Russia and Ukraine.
They have forced thousands of the prettiest young Russian women into prostitution and slavery after the fall of Communism; and now they kidnap Russian children and rape and sexually torture them in front of a camera in order to make child porn for rich perverts in the West.”
(Video transcript)
Are people in the West aware of the Jewish role
in producing the filthiest child porn imaginable?
With the full connivance of the American government, Jews pursue this foul trade in the San Fernando valley, California, otherwise known as “Porn Valley”. (See here). Did you know that Los Angeles is among the top three high-intensity areas in America for child prostitution? The public largely remains unaware of these facts, for the simple reason that the media conceals them.
The situation in Russia is even more extreme, with the majority of Russians totally unaware of the historical crimes committed against them by Jews in the Communist era. Here is Dr Pierce’s incendiary comment, and we must make allowances for his white-hot anger:
The Jews are lucky they still control most of the television and other mass media in Russia—because if the Russian people ever are fully awakened to what the Jews are still doing to them, they will rise up and kill every Jew in Russia—every Jew—every Jew!—and they will be fully justified in doing so.
(Video transcript)
What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.