Hitler said: Christians will support Communism: My Note to Christians who are in endless debates & arguments among themselves


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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Race War: Blacks might kill Whites but...
This is a small excerpt from a private meeting I attended in Johannesburg. The top Jewish communist, Ronnie Kasrils, was invited to a house by a Jew, to discuss his latest book.

[I was getting a lot of emails from a bunch of good folks, but I noticed the emails continuing on and on as people began gently countering each other. I sent them this note, because these Christian debates should show us that this line of thinking is not clear, nor strong. See what Hitler said below. Jan]

Just a simple note: I notice all the emails flying back and forth on this topic and any Christian related topic. Christians – ALL CHRISTIANS – should look at themselves, and ask themselves: Why do we disagree so much over Christian issues? Why? Why don’t we have such intense debates over other topics? You will find that in this specific religion, that we are dealing with things where FACTS are hard to establish… and therein lies the rub, and this should alert you to the real weaknesses of this as a FOUNDATION for us. It’s NOT a solid foundation. It’s NOT. Hitler and Pagans, had a firmer foundation. Furthermore, in Africa, I can tell you that Christianity was a huge flop as a means for extending White/Western values. In the end it failed dismally. We had VERY LARGE numbers of black Christians who apparently had the same values as us and we expected them to fight communism and to stand by the West. And they were a huge and almost TOTAL disappointment. Then look at Putin, a former KGB operative, who praised the Jewish Bolshevik creation of the USSR, and look at how, all those old communists are still around in the USSR, Eastern Europe, etc. But notice how, those old communists, like Putin and his pals now have their power base supported by… CHRISTIANS. Christians … who apparently, once upon a time would have fought communism. In Hitler’s table talk he at a point said that the evidence is clear, that Christians will side with communists. Really, for white survival, Christianity is very weak. Very weak as a foundation. From my experience, I have noted that Christians will just sit and engage in endless debates, lasting decades … We really need a much firmer way of approaching reality. All I’m saying: IS LOOK AT YOURSELVES AND HOW YOU ARGUE AMONG YOURSELVES OVER WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND REALIZE THIS IS NOT HELPING US. The foundation is weak.

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White Shop: Sun wheel pendant with chain
The Sun wheel is an ancient Pagan symbol of the sun god. It was engraved on wooden monuments built near the final resting places of the fallen to represent eternal life.

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