Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.
I am looking for a pop song that I saw many years ago, maybe 15-20 years ago. I want to get video of the song because I want people to listen to it and look at it and to tell me whether the language the song is written in!
I saw this song a long time ago, and even recorded it on my VHS tape at the time, but then lost it and have never been able to find it. The song is a mystery to me. Let me explain:
The language I heard sounded to be 100% like Afrikaans and I could understand EVERY WORD CLEARLY … but neither the pop group, nor the setting, nor anything else about the pop song seemed to be SOUTH AFRICAN! But it sounded 100% Afrikaans. I later concluded that maybe it was Flemish.
All I can remember of the song is the video and this is all I can tell you:-
1. The setting of the song was a sort of cowboy/ranch setup.
2. The main singer was a (blonde?) girl, who had cowboy boots on.
3. She had a very dark brown skirt.
4. The song was a very lively, energetic one.
5. The words were 100% understandable to me, making me think it was Afrikaans – but EVERYTHING ELSE was NOT SOUTH AFRICAN. I thus ended up concluding that this might have been Belgian, but I’m not sure.
If anyone has seen a video matching this description, then merely put a link in the Disqus comments below and I will look at it. The moment I see it I’ll recognise it. I’ve been looking for it for years and would like to check with Dutch friends whether this is in fact from the Netherlands/Belgium. I want to see if its really Flemish.
Video & Audio: Hitler the Scientific Academic Genius: His Evolutionary Herd Theory of Humans
They are always tell you that Hitler was old fashioned or stupid. The reality is the total opposite. Jordan Peterson or Jews will tell you that humans do not function in groups. We look at humans, including Whites as herds of animals. What does this mean?