Finally: South Africa Moves To Level 1 Lockdown on COVID-19 – International Flights allowed


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[Finally! What an idiotic time its been. Jan]

President Cyril Ramaphosa last night announced that South Africa will be downgraded to Alert Level 1 on Sunday.

This will see larger gatherings being permitted, along with international travel, the sale of alcohol allowed from Monday to Friday, and the curfew shifted to midnight.

In his address to the nation, the president said the country had weathered the Covid-19 storm, but he also warned of a potential second wave of the pandemic and asked citizens to continue being vigilant in this regard.

“It is time to return our country to a situation that is more normal, it is time to move to what we call a new normal for as long as Covid is with us,” said the president.

Confirming some of the speculation leading up to his address, the president said it was time for South Africa to remove many of the remaining restrictions to economic activity in the country.

Ramaphosa said the decision was made following consultations with provincial and local government representatives as well as experts.-The Herald


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