How you can help: Boer Children in need – Boerekinders in Nood (opheffingsaksie)
Who are we? Boers or Afrikaners? Answer from Dr Mike Du Toit
I had someone write to me about the topic of Boers versus Afrikaners. I decided to approach Dr Mike Du Toit, who was the leader of the Boeremag, and who is a professional academic who is very well versed in our history to answer this. Dr Du Toit not only knows our history in South Africa but also our history in Europe. This was his answer.
[This is from Piet Rudolph. He is disclosing the donations he received, who he received them from and what he did with the monies. Now this is the kind of transparency that I support. He is actually helping white kids. He also states below that bank statements and receipts are available if anyone wants to inquire.
You can contact Piet here: [email protected]
For those outside South Africa these amounts are in Rands. Divide by 12 to get the US Dollar equivalent.
Fondse In = Funds In. Fondse uit = Funds Out.
In 5.4 below he says he’s looking for places where women & their children can stay.
If Piet can be this transparent then why won’t the Suidlanders’ Simon Roche come forward with similar transparency when people ask him what he did with all the monies that he supposedly collected in order to assist whites who are going to be genocided? Jan]
VERSLAG : Boerekinders in Nood (opheffingsaksie): Februarie 2018
1.1 OORGEDRA vanaf Januarie 2018 – R2804.82
1.2 BYDRAES 5650.00
1.3 RENTE 24.98
TOTAAL R 8479.80
2.2 Medies: siek kind dr en medisyne S. Fouche (OVS) 385.00
2.3 Huur: bystand werklose vrou in karavaan: B.H (Zeerust) 500.00
2.3 Bystand: verhoorafwagtende L.K Pretoria-Sentraal 150 00
2.4 Kos: werklose onversorgde vrou en moeder B.H (Zeerust) 200.00
2.5 Babakos en doeke: 2 kinders R.R Enkelma werkloos (Pta) 500.00
2.6 Operasioneel: telefoon 072 419 3516 skakeling: Vodacom 100.00
2.7 Kos: 2 gesinne en kinders OVS: S.F & Rheeder, Brood en Melk 990.00
2.8 Operasioneel: wat’sop 063 830 5959: MTN 85.00
2.9 Kos: brood en melk: B.R.: kinders :Balmoral 500.00
2.10 Kos: ma en kinders: man in tronk C.W.O Blinkpan (Middelburg) 200.00
2.11 Operasioneel Tel. 072 419 3516; skakeling: Vodacom 100.00
2.12 Borg en Bystand: terugplasing en persentasie 875.00
2.13 Kos: brood en melk Weduwee en 3 kinders: S.W Delmas. 450.00
2.14 Operasioneel: Wat’s op 063 830 5959 160.00
TOTAAL 5208.50
- Oorgedra na Maart 2018 2315.65
4.1 Monique – Klere en beddegoed +- R1000.00 4/2/18 ( Uitgedeel aan Angels at work.
4.2 gideon W klere en eetgerei +-R 500.00 9/2/18 ( uirtgedeel aan Angels at Work).
4.3 Jenny R 2 yskaste ,toiletware & klere +- R 5000 00 ( 1 Yskas DvS – ander 1 om afgelewer te word in Letsiltele vir Ma en twee kinders.
4.4 Skenking D.C 500.00 Admin vir kantoorhulp spesiaal so geskenk.
5.1. Motor geskenk terug gegee aan donateur. Herstelwerk. Ons het ‘n bakkie nodig.
5.2 Nogmaals dankie aan al ons bydraers wat dit moontlik maak om veral ons vroue en kinders se lot te versag. Ons is steeds op soek na mans en vroue in alle areas om te help met opheffing.
5.3 Bankstate en kwitansie waar nodig beskikbaar vir insae.
5.4 Steeds op soek na huisvesting en verblyf vir hawelose vroue en kinders. Dankie aan Filadelfia Ark onder bestuur van Dirk van Vuuren wat reusewerk doen om ons mense se lot te verlig!
Piet Rudolph:
Organiseerder en Ko-ordineerder: 072 419 3516. Wat’s op 063 8305959
Video: Whites: Power Politics: How to have tea with the Queen
The vast majority of Whites don‘t understand how POWER really works. This is an introduction to power politics and how the world REALLY WORKS.