Audio: Jan & Boer Jack: Jews & Mega-Farmers out to cheat & destroy White Farmers – Also: Russia in SA


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Video: Economic War: White Labour Vs Jewish Capital
In this video I discuss the economic fight and how Whites can save themselves.

Right-Click here to download the Audio

In this interview, Jack and I talk about South Africa in detail. We discuss Russia, China, the Liberation wars. We talk in depth about Jews and Liberals and the Mega-farmer scum who are working hand in glove with this hideous black communist govt to destroy white farmers and seize our land or homes without compensation.

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Video & Audio: Gods of War: How Ancient White Armies were superior to modern Armies
In this video I take a close look at excellence and ability, and what Europeans were capable of in the distant past. We go back as far as 3,300 years ago and take a look at the amazing feats that were pulled off by Ancient Whites.

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