3 Pics: S.Africa: Is Julius Malema (EFF) preparing to attack the Whites in Coligny?


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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

[This is how my mad weekend began. I sent a voice message summing up what I have in this email. I sent this information to the AWB, Piet Rudolph and later to Izak Van Zyl who is the leader of the Boere Legion. The info herein caused extreme consternation and anger on Friday and into the weekend. I was lambasted by a number of people when I sent this. Jan]

Here are the photos I received on Friday. The EFF who are communists wear red overalls as their uniform. You can see them in this photo:

I have a contact in Coligny who has been excellent in sending me information about the events of last year and I was in Coligny on the same day I was at your meeting. I went to the places the blacks burned down.

In March I posted this story about Malema’s people suddenly arriving on a big scale in Coligny:

Today my contact is sending me urgent information. He began sending me photos today of something strange happening in Coligny. As I am writing this, he is busy driving around Coligny and looking for more suspicious EFF activity. I’ve asked him to get every photo he can and to try and get vehicle number plates.

In recent days, 6 blacks who work for people in Coligny, have separately told their bosses that Julius Malema’s EFF is planning an attack on Coligny against the whites.

I’m attaching 3 photos that were taken by my contact in Coligny today. 3 bakkies were seen in Coligny, with EFF members, dressed in red on the back. In one of these photos we can see the licence number, which is: HMJ559NW

[DELETED] is in charge of [DELETED]. He has been receiving this information about a possible imminent attack on Coligny by the EFF. He went to the Police station and told the Police this morning that the whites of Coligny will defend their property if they come under attack and that the burning down of houses like last year will not be accepted. He told the Police to their faces that the whites will fight to the death in defense of their property. The Police laughed at him.

Last year, the Police in Coligny did absolutely NOTHING during the entire day when the blacks tore up the centre of the town and the Police NEVER arrested anyone on that day nor thereafter. We are convinced the Police are utterly indifferent and will therefore do absolutely nothing in the event of the EFF making any moves.

I have other information, but its nothing special. It seems that there is a lot of violence in that region and 7 main protests are busy and roads are being closed. My contact has noted that blacks who live in different areas are being seen in towns where they do not normally reside. It appears that someone is busy busing the blacks from town to town so that blacks from one town are used in violence in another town. I had noted that this was the case last year in Coligny that a white eyewitness, [DELETED] had seen buses full of blacks coming in the night before the attack.

My contact says that it seems as if violence and protests, which yesterday included burning down a big building in Mafikeng I think it was, seems to spread to Coligny from either Mmabatho via Lichtenburg to Coligny. We note too this is exactly the same time as last year.

There is no information on WHEN the attack will take place and [DELETED] has not yet announced his discussion with the Police to the public. But he is taking the likelihood of an attack very seriously.

Attached are the photos that my contact took today. He is driving around and making his own observations.

Jan Lamprecht

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