2 Pics: S.Africa: Black Police steal copper cable…
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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.
Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.
[A friend sent me this photo. Some of the things that do the rounds among us whites are pretty whacky. In this photo they say these black cops are stealing copper cable and loading it into the Police van. This is in the east of Johannesburg.
Whites see and photograph many things in this country, but nobody ever listens to us. The black cops will of course get away with this! That’s normal. Jan]
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Dr William Pierces greatest quote: The Destiny of the Race
Dr William Pierce said many great and deep things. But the quote that really hits me in the pit of my stomach is this one.
Dr William Pierces greatest quote: The Destiny of the Race
Dr William Pierce said many great and deep things. But the quote that really hits me in the pit of my stomach is this one.