Zimbabwe: Black’s who say: Why I Will Not Forgive Mugabe
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White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: The Confederate Rebellion
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[The Gukurahundi was when Mugabe massacred 30,000 blacks in the 1980s. It is a topic I deal with in my lecture on the 50 years of race war in southern Africa. It touches on things that are not known to the public at large. Some very interesting twists in this. Jan]
Ezra Tshisa Sibanda|Robert Mugabe’s own War Veterans do acknowledge and recognise that there was Gukurahundi genocide where thousands of innocent people were murdered in cold blood in Matabeleland and Midlands directed by Mugabe as head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces.
Matemadanda is 100% right that Mugabe should never be forgiven and it was a mistake not to prosecute him for crimes against humanity.
Then there are Mugabe’s bootlickers who think Gukurahundi is just a fallacy. Go to hell with your murderer!
Source: https://www.zimeye.net/2019/09/16/why-i-will-not-forgive-mugabe/
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