WTF? S.Africa: Black Junk: Drunk Black Adults abduct 162 pupils at night from North West school in five bakkie (pickup truck) loads – My Comments


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[Read this and ponder the endless amounts of stupidity and weirdness and just pure junk in this story. This is from South Africa and ask yourself what the hell is going on here? Below is an image of the school. The school itself was originally destroyed BY OTHER BLACKS WHO STOLE EVERYTHING. So BLACKS destroyed a school that is exclusively for BLACK CHILDREN. Ok? Then it gets weirder … a bunch of drunken Black adults came pretending to be the parents of the kids and ordering them out of the school despite security guards (Blacks no doubt) trying, unsuccessfully, to stop them. Yet, somehow, for some unknown reason, the Black kids complied with this. This happened at night too … which is weird. Why would kids leave in the night to go with others who are drunk and who aren't their parents? But they did. 162 left the school and climbed into 5 pickup trucks. Can you fit 162 kids into 5 pickup trucks (bakkies)? It sounds dodgy, and maybe they did multiple loads? But in Africa we have seen extreme overloading in the past. Anyhow, only 10 kids remained in the school. So look at all the weird silliness in this story. In other stories, relating to this same school, it was vandalized 5 times and stripped of equipment. You can see in the photo below that Blacks even tore out the windows. Now the cops are charging these Black adults with abduction and malicious damage to property. One thing I have observed endlessly about Blacks is the manner in which they are very shortsighted and totally self destructive. What is most fascinating to me, is how they are self destructive when there is no need for it. I keep thinking to myself, that if we Whites were truly malicious, we could have a field day with these people. Seriously. Insanely crazy things would be possible. Jan]

An apparently drunk group of people pretending to be parents arrived at a North West school on Tuesday night and abducted 162 pupils.

The North West education department relayed their dismay over the incident on Wednesday.

The department said that about 8pm on Tuesday, the mob arrived at the Boons Mega Farm School gates in four vehicles. They wanted the Tirelong Secondary School pupils who had been accommodated at the farm school after criminals stole electricity cables, water taps, the roof, books, window frames, doors and kitchen utensils from the school.

The Tirelong school still does not have running water or electricity and the pupils had to be moved to ensure they did not miss out on their education.

They were sent to the Moedwil, Naauwpoort and Boons Mega Farm Schools.

According to the department, when the perpetrators arrived at the gate the security guards refused to let them in as they could not provide their necessary identifications.

Windows, doors, taps, roof stolen as North West school is stripped yet again

This caused a scene and the would-be parents broke a small gate going into the school. Security guards managed to prevent the drunkards from entering.

The mob then blew whistles to attract the attention of the Tirelong schoolboys who broke down hostel doors, windows and burglar guards to force their way out.

The department alleges they demanded other children leave with them.

The perpetrators then allegedly took the 162 pupils in five bakkie loads — the last leaving at 5am — and left them “on the streets”.

Only 10 pupils remained at the school, having stood their ground, refusing to leave without their parents’ permission.

The provincial education MEC, Mmaphefo Matsemela, condemned the incident and wants the perpetrators brought to book.

“We are very disappointed by such horrible incidents that are continuing in our boarding schools. This needs to be stopped immediately and the people behind these incidents must be arrested.

“They removed learners from our schools under the pretext of being parents. We are in possession of video clips to substantiate that these were not parents.

“What is disturbing us more is that they don’t take the learners to their homes, they leave them on the streets. They expose our children to extreme danger. We want the police to arrest everyone involved in this unaccepted practice.”

According to the department this has happened before at the Naauwpoort Mega Farm School. No date was given but the department said 54 pupils were abducted from the hostel.

The department has arranged for counselling for the 10 boys who stayed behind.

A case of malicious damage to property and abduction has been opened with the police.



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