Whites don’t understand Muslims – Arab Muslims – The Correct way to view them
The Boer State Party
From Jan: This is the ONLY political party in South Africa that I will support. I have met their leader and know their history. *ALL* other Political Parties in SA are a total waste of time for Whites. This political party cares about Whites. They say: We fight for our People‘s Freedom and Safe continued existence in the new South Africa!
I made this point in an email to some people. We have many Muslims in South Africa, and I’ve observed them and their values. Whites, especially White Christians are missing the critical point here.
This is what I wrote:
Muslims themselves are misunderstood. When I look at Muslims, and we have plenty here in SA, I’m telling you that ISLAM is the Arab Version of "The White Right". Islam=Arab Right Wing=Return of the Ottoman Empire. You could say Islam are the "NAZIS" of the Arabs. They are in their "NAZI" mode and have been for decades. It is them IN THE NATURAL STATE THEY WANT TO BE IN. Just like Communism, has become the natural state for Blacks (sort of). If we Whites were in OUR NATURAL STATE (White Right), we would be right at home. The Muslims have been in that mode for several decades already. ALL RACES WILL RETURN TO THEIR NATURAL STATE. Jews PREVENT US FROM BEING IN OUR NATURAL STATE.
White Shop: AWB 3-G shirt (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Afrikaner Resistance Movement)
Since its founding in 1973 by Eugne Terre‘Blanche and six other patriotic Afrikaners, it has been dedicated to secessionist Afrikaner nationalism and the creation of an independent Boer-Afrikaner republic or ‘Volkstaat/Boerestaat‘ in part of South Africa.