White-Shop: Feedback: Teething problems & Uncontactable Customers – Phase 1 Complete
Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.
I just want to update people about the state of my little experimental shop that I launched in December 2019 after much work. It is white-shop.biz.
I am happy to say that I’m through the worst of what I would call Phase 1, the launch and the subsequent teething problems.
For me a huge issue was trying to run it without Paypal and without Credit Card facilities and to get by all the normal Jewish malicious harassment that whites are subjected to.
In total, I had 9 orders between December and now. There were orders that I could not process because, to my amazement I could not contact my customers! There is a guy in Florida, whose first name is James, and he came and placed 3 orders for DVD’s. Each time he used a slightly different email address. I must have written to him about 10 emails in total, and I even phoned from South Africa to Florida TWICE, and he never answers his phone. His phone rings, but nobody answers it. So I cancelled the 3 orders he placed.
There is also another customer that I’m waiting for, to see if he is for real.
Some people complained that they could not pay online. However, I have made it clear that this is not your normal website where you just press buttons and pay. You need to place your order and there is only one option, “Cash” and that’s its. You cannot use anything else. Then once you’ve placed your order, I will contact you and we’ll sort out the remaining details. So it involves interaction. The whole point of this exercise is to be able to function without being banned the way that Paypal, Stripe and all those other scumbags do. It is so that we can complete transactions without interference. It is more manual, but this is absolutely necessary. It is necessary for security purposes until something better comes along. The point is to be able to function, without Jews and Liberals coming and shutting down access to various things you applied for. I will make this more clear in the future, because clearly some people do not understand what a TRICKY thing this is.
In the end, I have carried out 4 orders. The final ones of them are in the process of being handled. But I’m happy with what I have done and that my simple processes work.
Each of my 4 customers came from a different country, and the orders covered different items. I had to get used to the software on the website for running a shop.
A good idea, that turned out to have several problems, and which I now feel very comfortable about was the printing of posters. Working with images on physical prints was something I had never done before. But after this I like the idea of doing posters, mugs and probably even T-shirts.
There are other items that I have also thought of that I want to sell, however, books will be at the top of the list.
I must thank some of my EXCEPTIONALLY PATIENT customers, some of whom have waited a staggering amount of time. My service must have been slower than since the time of the dinosaurs, and I’m sure snails would have been 100x faster than I was. If it wasn’t for their extreme patience, I would not have had a chance to try and solve the various problems I had.
I now feel comfortable with orders, and I want to complete some additional things in the next month or two, before I launch a 2nd phase. There is some serious work that I need to do, behind the scenes of my websites, that will improve many things. Once that is done, I’m going to dive into Phase 2.
This is one step forward, and I knew that I would be swamped with teething problems. I had decided that is was best to just dive straight in, rather than spend too much time anticipating all the problems. I have seen others go through that process and it can take extremely long. I felt that just diving straight into it, would allow me to focus on real issues rather than many imagined issues.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME! YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEANT TO ME. Furthermore, if we can continue working on these problems, I have other, bigger ideas that we can work towards. Then we can get on to even more serious and useful things.
Thank you again to everyone who assisted me, and to my extremely patient customers!
Video & Audio: South Africas most important election in 30 Years of Black Rule
The election that happened in SA in 2024 was bizarre, and Black politics collapsed on a scale never seen before. There is huge turmoil in Black politics, and Jewish billionaires as well as their puppet, the Black Jew Ramaphosa caused it all.